Bringing Pets to Thailand
Step 1: Apply for an import permit via email to the Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) with the following documents no later than 7 business days before your departure.
Email your request to an AQS’s email according to a port of entry where you plan to travel to:
Step 2: The AQS officers review your documents (processing time is about 3 – 7 business days)
Step 3: An import permit will be sent to you by email after the approval
Step 4: Obtain an Official International Health Certificate and receive an endorsement from an authorized veterinary official of the government of the exporting country
Step 5: Upon your arrival at the airport, please contact the AQS for veterinary inspection
Remarks: Quarantine officer has the discretionary authority to detain in a quarantine station any pets/animals seeking to pass through Thailand
For hand carried pet:
AQS (Port of entry) next to carousel No. 8
Tel. +(662) 134 0636
Business hours 24 hrs. daily (Bangkok)
For pet imported by air cargo:
AQS (Cargo terminal: Free Zone Area, CE-1Building)
Tel. +(662) 134 0731
Business hours: Monday to Friday 08.30 a.m.- 4.30 p.m.
For more information, please see the link below
(1) Import guideline Download here
(2) Requirement for the Importation of Dog and Cat Download here
(3) Requirement for the Importation of Rabbit Download here
Useful link