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LEGALIZATION SERVICE at The Royal Thai Embassy in Bern

(Legalization of signature and translation)


Please follow the instructions as follow:


Option A: Get the documents translated in Thailand

1. Get the original/certified copy document legalized by the Legalization Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand (email: [email protected] หรือTel: (+66) 02 575 1062 Ext. 4)


2. If required, get the original document translated into a national language of Switzerland/Liechtenstein by one of the accredited translators from the Swiss Embassy in Bangkok*


3. Get the translation document legalized by the Embassy of Switzerland in Thailand*


4. Submit your document where it is required in Switzerland or Liechtenstein



Option B: Get the documents translated in Switzerland

1. Get the original/ certified copy document legalized by the Legalization Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand (email: [email protected] หรือTel: (+66) 02 575 1062 Ext. 4)

2. If required, get the original document translated into a national language of Switzerland/Liechtenstein (G, F, I) by a professional translator in Switzerland who has been produced a translation that has been legalized by Royal Thai Embassy before. See the list of accredited translators here.

3. Get the translation document legalized by sending ALL documents listed below BY POST to the Royal Thai Embassy (Kirchstrasse 56, 3097 Liebefeld-Berne)

    - Application form for Legalization services

    - Original document together with one copy:  To legalize documents at the Royal Thai Embassy in Bern, the documents must be at most five months old at receiving date. (*Except for the Attestation of Single status and criminal record, which must be no more than two months.) The process takes 3 to 5 working days, in a first-come, first-served order. 

​       The Embassy would not process the documents that do not meet the abovementioned requirements.


    - Translation document together with one copy (if required): The document must be translated into Thai by a professional translator in Switzerland who has been produced a translation that has been legalized by Royal Thai Embassy before. See the list of accredited translators here.

    - Copy of ID card or passport 

    - For translation, please submit related documents to verify the spelling of Name-Surname and other information, for example, household registration, birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.

    - An envelope (Registered Prepaid)  with the applicant’s name and address 

      *Disclaimer: Royal Thai Embassy in Bern accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to posts.

    - Legalization fees (CASH ONLY)

      >> Legalization of signatures: CHF 20.00/ stampWe accept applications for legalizing documents with stamps from the Legalization Division, Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand ONLY*Please note that the Apostille stamp is not accepted.

      >> Legalization of translation: CHF 20.00/ one translated document.

      >> Legalization of translation of Court Order: CHF 20.00/ 100 words. ** A PDF file of the Court Order translation must be sent to [email protected] in advance to get a fee confirmation. The confirmation will be sent back to the applicant by email.


*In case of legalization of more than 10 stamps, i.e., adoption documents, please get in touch with the Royal Thai Embassy in Bern directly at 031-970-3428 or [email protected]


4) The legalization process takes approximately 5 - 7 working days. The applicant will receive the legalized documents back by Registered Mail.


5) Submit your document where it is required in Switzerland or Liechtenstein.


Types of Documents from Thailand*

 All documents must be legalized by the Legalization Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand before using in Switzerland or Liechtenstein.